Today, we remember a man who made so many of us laugh for many years - Robin...
| The Serious Teddy Bear Company
Today, we remember a man who made so many of us laugh for many years - Robin Williams. Robin Williams tragically passed away 2 years ago today after battling mental illness for many years.
We take this opportunity to remind our customers that depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues are more common than you might think. Always take the time to stop and show you care - even if it's as simple as picking up the phone to tell someone you are there for them, or giving them a long embrace and holding on for awhile. Small actions and kind words can completely change (or even save ) another's life!
Be humble, kind, and most of all, good to one another always!
#depressionawareness #bekind #behumble #smallactionsmatter #kindwordsmatter #bealight